
OBSERVE! The Intertran2 calculation part does only work in a 32-bit environment!

A new version 2.8.002 contains fixes on usage of user defined pasquill data sets.This new version should be saved into the Intertran2-8 directory.

The new version 2.8.001 contains several fixes and new features. This new version will be installed in a new directory. It is possible to use old database files.

The INTERTRAN2 package is a computer code system for the assessment of radiological consequences and risks from the transport of radioactive material. It allows to study incident-free and accident conditions of transport separately. It is applicable to all modes of transport, in particular to multimodal shipments, and it can deal with nuclear material and industrial material as well as radiopharmapheuticals.

Under normal conditions of transport (incident-free case) the expected dose to workers and to different members of the public along the transport route can be calculated as collective dose, taking into account also handling operations. this incident-free case exposure of persons results from the external radiation originating from the radioactive material within the package during shipment. In addition to the collective dose of different subgroups the code also computes a hypothetical maximum dose to an individual member of the public who lives close to a highway or a railroad track. Under accident conditions the INTERTRAN2 package can be used to estimate the resulting external and internal individual and population doses.

The INTERTRAN2 package provides a tool, for

- specific shipment studies

- national assessments

- comparison of shipment options

- supporting decision making processes and optimization of transport concepts and technologies from the viewpoint of radioactive protection safety.

The computer code system allows the user to adjust the analysis to the specific problem being analyzed, but the resolution of an analysis may be limited by the quality of available data. Taking this into account the scope of the INTERTRAN2 package and the accuracy of the results are mainly limited by the availability and quality of the data which are necessary to represent the specific transport situation to be analyzed.

The INTERTRAN2 package is developed within an IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) coordinated research program. The main calculation part is based on the RADTRAN4 main frame computer code submitted by Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. The atmospheric dispersion model (TRANSAT) is submitted by IPSN, France. The Intertran2 program has been developed by AMC Konsult AB under contract from the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate.