AMC STAR software NPP-version.
This is the system for the individual nuclear power plants. All programs
are custom made for the specific environment in each country. The
programs can handle all relevant data and include all functions
necessary to manage safeguards at a nuclear power plant. There are different versions
for IAEA and Euratom safeguards.
- Advanced database handling
- Highly automated - easy to use
- Connection to existing Re-shuffling programs etc.
- Core and Pond Maps
- User-friendly interface
- Multi-user environment
- 32-bit object-oriented software
- Windows95/98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows7
This software is especially developed for
safeguards at nuclear power plants. The program keep all the data needed for
safeguards in databases.
This gives opportunities to make advanced searches and calculations of the
amount of material in the different MBA's.
The program can handle all types of fuel handling relevant for safeguards,
like amount, location, post-irradiated content, fuel history etc.
All functions are highly automated, which gives the user a maximum of
information with a minimum of work.
All relevant reports to the state office and IAEA or EURATOM or reports
needed for the running of the plant can be generated by pressing a button.
There are capabilities for quick backups.
The system allows different user levels and can be used in a network.